AOG Emergency

24/7/365 Engine & APU Field Services

Anywhere in the US the same day or early next morning.

AOG Request

Rental Support

24/7/365 Engine & APU Rental Support


APU Rental

New Customer Form

Thank you for your interest in TES. Please help to start your on-boarding by filling out the form below. A TES Representative will be in contact within the next business day. If you have any questions regarding this form, please email

Business Information

Company DBA :

Date of Incorporation*(MM/DD/YYYY) :
Country of Incorporation* :
Company Address* (Street) :
Company Address* (City) :
Company Address* (State/Province) :
Company Address* (ZIP/Postal Code) :
Company Address* (Country) :
Entity Type* :
If other, please provide Entity Type :
Tax Identification Number* :
If not applicable, please enter N/A.

EORI Number* :
If not applicable, please enter N/A.

Type of Business Activity

Type of Business Activity* :

If other, please provide Business Activity :

Business Contact Information

Purchasing Agent Contact Name* :
Country Code :
Purchasing Agent Contact Phone* :
Purchasing Agent Contact Email Address* :
Purchasing Agent Address (Street) :
Purchasing Agent Contact Address* (City) :
Purchasing Agent Contact Address* (State):
Purchasing Agent Contact Address* (ZIP):
Purchasing Agent Contact Address* (Country) :
Invoices Email Address* :
Special instructions for invoices :

Accounts Payable Contact Name* :
Accounts Payable Country Code:
Accounts Payable Contact Phone* :
Accounts Payable Contact Email* :

Finance Lead Contact Name :
Finance Lead Country Code:
Finance Lead Contact Phone :
Finance Lead Contact Email Address :

Trade  / Credit References

If “Request Cash in Advance” the form is complete, and no further fields are required. If “Request Terms” the fields below are required.

Reference Company Name :
Reference Contact Person :
Reference Contact Country Code:
Reference Contact Phone Number :
Reference Contact Email Address :
Length of Trading Relationship :
Balance outstanding :
Credit Limit :

Second Reference Company Name :
Reference Contact Person :
Reference Contact Country Code:
Reference Contact Phone Number :
Reference Contact Email Address :
Length of Trading Relationship :
Balance outstanding :
Credit Limit :


Failure to provide accurate or complete information can result in processing delays.

Legal Entity Shareholding > 20% :
Shareholder Name :
Trading Address* (Street) :
Trading Address* (City) :
Trading Address* (State/Province) :
Trading Address* (ZIP/Postal Code) :
Trading Address* (Country) :
Percentage Shareholding :
Shareholder Country of Incorporation :
Company Registration Number :

Ultimate Beneficial Owner

Failure to provide accurate or complete information can result in processing delays.

Name :
Percentage Owned :
Date of Birth(MM/DD/YYYY) :
Country of Birth :
Country of Residence :
Nationality :
Second Citizenship :
Gender :

Board of Directors/ Company Officers

Name :
Date of Birth(MM/DD/YYYY) :
Country of Birth :
Country of Residence :
Nationality :
Second Citizenship :
Gender :
Executive or Non-Executive :

Review and Signature

Subject to approval by Finance, all Invoices are to be paid within 30 days from the date of the invoice. By submitting this information, you authorize TES Parts LLC and Turbine Engine Specialist Inc. “TES” to liaise with references and banking officials to disclose requested information. You agree to TES Terms and Conditions which can be accessed via the following link:

Signed by Authorized Personnel

I, _________________________ , [Signed Field] hereby confirm that to the best of my knowledge, having made due and careful enquiry, the information provided in this application is true, accurate and correct:

Signature* :
Name and Title* :
Signer's Email* :
Signature Date(MM/DD/YYYY) * :

Captcha Required

You should be receiving a confirmation email shortly with more details. If for any reason you do not receive this email, please reach out to and let us know. We will work with you directly to complete the onboarding process for your company.