AOG Emergency

24/7/365 Engine & APU Field Services

Anywhere in the US the same day or early next morning.

AOG Request

Rental Support

24/7/365 Engine & APU Rental Support


APU Rental

APU Rental Request

To start your rental request, call +1 817.625.6100 or submit an APU Rental Request below.

A TES representative will respond within one hour to confirm technician availability and scheduling.

* -This information is required. If no information is available please write "N/A"

Service Center Detail

Aircraft Detail

Removal APU Details

Priority Detail

Program Detail

Owner/Operator Detail

Ship To Detail

Shipping Details

Customs Broker

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Bank on TES Rental

TES is dedicated to delivering broad APU support for business aircraft at home and in the field. Our Honeywell APU Rental Bank is the largest in business aviation, with over 250 units. Whether you require a short or long-term rental, our team is committed to providing a flexible plan and installation.

APU Rental